Water Fasting Weight Loss

Looking for information about water fasting weight loss? Read on...

There are several different ways to detox your body that can involve expensive programs and methods, but the most simple, inexpensive approach just might be the best way of all. Water fasting to detoxify your body will shift the body's focus away from digesting foods that you are not eating while fasting and work at restoring a balance once again. When you are not eating solid foods for a few days and drinking only water, the body's system will begin a detoxification process, eliminating built up waste that has been accumulating within the body.

Given the chance, your body knows how to maintain itself and clean itself out when the focus is taken off of ingesting food for a short time. When looking for water fasting weight loss you should know that detoxification phase, the body's system will work hard at getting rid of the toxic build up and accumulation of waste that the body has in it's system. Fasting will help kick in a regeneration cycle within your body. This is the body's natural way of cleaning house. Many people will water fast a couple of times a year to help the body regulate itself better. It's like giving your system a tune up.

The body will normally get it's energy from glucose. This is a natural form of sugar that is in many of the foods we eat. We convert this glucose from the food or liver, which stores this, turning the glucose into glycogen. When we start to fast, this sugar source gets used within the first day of fasting. When we continue to fast past the first day, the body will derive it's fuel supply from our fat reserve cells. When looking for water fasting weight loss you should know that within the third day of a water fast, our bodies are running almost exclusively on our stored fat cells with a minimum amount of the body's muscle being consumed.

To give you an idea of how much muscle is consumed by fasting, if you were water fasting for two solid weeks, you would only lose about one pound of muscle just as long as you still had enough reserve fat cells to draw on. When looking for water fasting weight loss you should know that most of our bodies have more body fat than we need. In fact, many of us have more fat than is healthy for us to be carrying around. The great benefit of fasting is that the body consuming the stored unused fat that we do not need or want to have with us anymore. This is how our fasting helps to eliminate waste and toxins that are stored in our fat cells.

It is important to keep the body's fluid levels up, so fasting is not dehydrating the system. Water helps to hydrate the body and also works as a catalyst to flush out the body's impurities as you fast.

As a word of caution, fasting requires using commons sense. When looking for water fasting weight loss you should know that if you have any medical issues, it is wise to consult with your family physician before beginning a water fasting program.

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