My Weight Loss Story

My Weight Loss Story Video Clips. Duration : 3.73 Mins.

Here it is guys! My weight loss video. If you have any questions just let me know & I will try to answer it as best I can. Thanks! Follow me!

Tags: weight, loss, diet, dieting, losing, working, out, calories, pounds, asian, korean, vlog, tattoos, funny, monolid, tokidoki, tattoo, workout, fitness, exercise, muscle, body, bodybuilding, health, training, lose, gym, muscles, personal

LOWAT Weight Loss Supplement

LOWAT Weight Loss Supplement Video Clips. Duration : 12.70 Mins. LOWAT is a new weight loss supplement that has been clinically shown to increase weight loss compared to placebo. This video was provided by iHealthTube

Tags: LOWAT, diet, weight loss, supplement

Weight Loss disposition For Women - Producing Results

As you may already know, men and women tend to lose weight and burn fat differently and therefore dissimilar workout routines and regiments are valuable for women to reach their fitness goals. Although some things remain the same like the right whole of cardio, there are many differences as well. Take a look at the weight loss routine for women below and use it within your existing fitness regime.

First, it is foremost to warm up your muscles and moderately increase your heart rate with moderate cardio. This includes walking or a brisk jog for 5-10minutes to begin your workout. From here you can begin your workout with any of the following muscle group toning exercises. The following is a rough sketch of a weight loss program for beginners:

Weight Loss Story

o Legs: the walking lunge is a great move that helps tone not only your thighs but your butt as well as your calves as well. Conduct 3 sets of 10 repetitions and increase as this exercise becomes easier over time.

o Legs/Butt: either with a barbell in your arms or utilizing your own body weight take an exercise ball and place it in the middle of a wall and the small of your back. This will keep your body balanced during the exercise. Accomplish the squat in 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

o Arms: here you can use free weights or machines at your gym if you are a member. Bicep curls and triceps extensions are base to sculpt and tone arms.

Cardio can be thought about as the best exercise to burn fat, at the end of your workout be sure to couple at least 20minutes of moderate cardio. This can be done on the treadmill, elliptical machine, bike or stepper of your choice. It is always best to mix up your routine to make things more interesting. always start and terminate with cardio but how you Accomplish your cardio never has to be the same.

Women do not need the intense weight training men often do to tone their muscles. Simple exercises and adequate cardio are all you need to burn excess fat and tone your body with a weight loss routine for women.

Weight Loss disposition For Women - Producing Results

Green Tea Weight Loss - a Proven Formula?

For centuries, the ancient Chinese physicians have known about the secrets of green tea weight loss.

There are many condition benefits to drinking tea. One of them of them is that it can help lose weight. Lots of weight loss supplements comprise tea extract. How does this beverage aid in slimming?

Weight Loss Story

Green Tea Versus Black Tea

All tea is made from the same plant, camellias selensis. Different kinds of tea are made with varying combinations of leaves and buds from this plant.

Black tea is fermented after picking. Green tea is dried but not cooked, leaving it unfermented. Many of the antioxidants found remain in higher concentrations when unfermented.

Underlying Mechanism

Polyphenol catechins are antioxidant tea compounds. These antioxidants by themselves provide great condition benefits, as they clean up free radicals that can otherwise damage our cells. When catechins bind with caffeine, the consequent is increased fat burning and fat oxidation.

Human Trials Results

Many studies have been conducted to look into the veracity of green tea weight loss claims. Often investigate starts with animals. With this tea, however, we are lucky to have many human studies to look at.

Tang center for Herbal healing Research, at the University of Chicago, has done investigate on catechins. Their results indicate that in subjects who took tea extract, levels of fat lipids, cholesterol and glucose were reduced.

Another study, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that subjects who drank a bottle of green tea fortified with passage lost more body fat over the course of three months than those who did not drink the tea.

Beverage Versus Supplements

There are several ways to get your cup of tea. Of course you can drink this considerable beverage. A few cups each day can provide not only condition benefits, but also a calming break from a hectic day.

If you don't manage to drink sufficient for greatest weight loss effects, you can try a pure green tea extract. These ordinarily come in the form of capsules or liquid. And there are many weight loss formulas out there that use tea passage as one of the ingredients.

How Much Is Enough?

Various studies have used differing amounts of tea. The combined wisdom of all of the human studies indicates that 3-4 cups of tea is the right amount to perform green tea weight loss. Combined with a wholesome eating and practice program, you'll find the results are stunning!

Green Tea Weight Loss - a Proven Formula?

Skipping A Meal To Lose Weight: The Truth Revealed!

Many citizen think that skipping a meal to lose weight is an efficient strategy to use. But the truth is that in most cases it will legitimately have the opposite effect, it can stop you from losing weight, make you hungrier, lead to binge eating, work on your mood and even work on your farranging health. So let's take a look at this more closely.

1. citizen often think they are cutting their calorie intake by skipping a meal but the question with that is you will end up getting hungrier than usual and more often than not, you will end up provocative more fat at the next meal anyway. Someone else question here is that your body will have cravings and this is a risky position to be in. This then becomes a time that you are more likely to binge on foods that are not good for you. This may lead to weight gain and failure on your weight loss program. In the long run this is legitimately self-sabotaging behavior. You are best to try to cut portion sizes all round or just stick to the kinds of foods that will help you lose weight.

Weight Loss Story

2. Skipping a meal to lose weight legitimately slows down your metabolism and that's the last thing you want to happen. Your body is very clever; it has a natural mechanism that alerts it when food sources are in scarce supply. The natural response is to put the body into starvation mode and protect its energy sources. This means the body will protect fat as well, because fat is a huge source of energy for the body when there is nothing left to draw from. To keep your metabolism pumping at a good pace, you legitimately need to eat food regularly. It does sound like a strange thing, but food fuels your metabolism. And eating the right types of foods can legitimately help to speed up your metabolism. Basically having a slow metabolism means your body will burn fat at a slower rate. While having a fast metabolism means you will be burning fat at a faster rate, that's exactly what you need for weight loss.

3. Skipping a meal to lose weight is definitely not good for your farranging mood. Many citizen come to be irritated, frustrated and short when their food source is in scarce supply. Your brain needs fuel to function as well and when it doesn't get adequate fuel it gets foggy and fatigued. This leads to your emotions becoming affected. Worse thing about this is you are ordinarily driving the citizen colse to you mad because you are short-tempered.

The moral of this story is that skipping a meal to lose weight will never work. And from the three reasons I have outlined above, I now hope you understand why. You need to eat the right kinds of food at regular intervals throughout the day to lose weight.

Skipping A Meal To Lose Weight: The Truth Revealed!

Green Tea Weight Loss Supplement

Most weight loss experts agree that weight loss supplements can significantly help you in your battle for curves and muscles. Of the 3 generally used supplements in the market these days, green tea supplement seems the most promising. The other two are protein and ephedra.

It has been discovered that some properties found in green tea makes it a great organic alternative to weight loss supplements.

Weight Loss Story

The use of this tea's extract in supplements was spurred by the recently closed study by American and Swiss scientists. The study found that green tea has a lot of antioxidants that can cause an increase in vigor expenditure of the body.

The supplement contain both caffeine and the chemical epigallocatechin gallate (Egcg). When these 2 substances react to each other, metabolism rates increase along with the body's 24-hour vigor expenditure. Green tea's Egcg also triggers the release of the hormone noradrenaline, an appetite-suppressant.

The supplement can boost the body's metabolic rates, thereby increasing the rate by which fat and calories are burned. It can also stimulate the body into burning fats faster, prominent to more fats being turned into energy. Agreeing to a study, habitancy who take in this supplement lose about two-and-a-half pounds a month.

These supplements come in standardized tablets or capsule forms. For best results, adopt a supplement that contains 90 milligrams of Egcg and 50 milligrams of caffeine. It is normally taken 3 times a day before meals.

Although green tea weight loss supplement has no harmful side-effects, you should consult your physician before taking it.

Green Tea Weight Loss Supplement

predominant Weight Loss Diets - A chronicle

A great number of weight loss diets have already been invented. Many have come to be paramount while others remain unnoticed. Each is dissimilar in one way or another. Nonetheless, all of them fall under any of the following categories.

Meal providers - Meal providers are a kind that replaces typical (unhealthy) food you eat on a regular basis. When followed faithfully, this type can be an productive weight loss solution.

Weight Loss Story

Meal replacements - Food is the only source of fat that turn into fat. Hence, to effectively lose some pounds, you must cut down the source. Meal replacements contribute less than the average number of food intake so that, there is a lesser opening of fat build up.

Low-fat diets - Many weight loss plans are founded on the belief that fat intake adds pounds. While it is true that fat consumption can increase body size, it doesn't tell the whole story. Low-fat can still make habitancy fat if the total number of fat are not taken into account. Going over the daily calorie limit even if you are practicing a low-fat plan can add pounds.

Low-carb diets - Low-carb plans lower insulin levels, which in turn results to weight loss. Compared to low-fat diets, this is a more productive means to shed some pounds. However, low-carb plans are hard to maintain, forcing followers to go back to their general eating habits.

Gmi - Gmi diets, or glycemic index diets, follow the ideas behind low-carb plans: to lower blood sugar levels to lead to weight loss. While very effective, Gmi plans are very difficult to follow.

Group diets - There are forms of weight loss plans that allow you to join a group of habitancy having the same goal: to lose weight. These individuals watch over the types of food you eat, contribute support, and give practice suggestions.

predominant Weight Loss Diets - A chronicle

COMBAT EXHAUSTION 1945 WW2 - Posttraumatische Störungen Krieg

COMBAT EXHAUSTION 1945 WW2 - Posttraumatische Störungen Krieg Video Clips. Duration : 50.35 Mins.

COMBAT EXHAUSTION (1945)National Archives and Records Administration This movie is part of the collection: FedFlix Producer: National Archives and Records Administration Creative Commons license: Public Domain epartment of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. (09/18/1947 - 02/28/1964) ARC Identifier 35906 / Local Identifier 111-M-1197. Reel 1, combat exhaustion cases are brought to an aid station, Army doctors are lectured on combat fatigue, and "hysteria" cases are examined. Reel 2 describes physical disorders resulting from battle fatigue. Reel 3, a victim of hysterical amnesia is treated with various drugs. Reel 4, a patient relives his combat experiences while under chemical hypnosis. Reel 5, patients receive personality tests and sleep therapy. Electric shock and insulin is used on "loss of weight" cases. Rehabilitated patients pitch tents and drill. Reel 6, sodium amytyl is given fatigue cases at the front. Psychiatric officers at the front attempt to detect signs of exhaustion prior to collapse. Made possible by a donation from Mary Neff.

Tags: Psychiatric, officers, front, army, world, adolf, military, history, battle, national, third, two, ww2, tank, soldiers, documentary, Electric, shock, and, insulin, PTBS, schock, health, germany

Weight Loss in Women Over 40

Weight loss for women over 40 is a separate story than when they were 20 and needs to be dealt with as such. Middle-aged women are not just dealing with slower metabolisms, they are often dealing with hormonal imbalances which have side effects such as poor thyroid function, bloating, fluid holding and weight gain. Furthermore, by the time women get to their forties, many are chronically sleep deprived which is someone else factor that affects weight gain and loss. Most of them are also shopping and cooking for house members who can often effectively metabolize foods that they cannot.

Diets or dieting for women over 40 do not achieve the best weight loss results. The best advent to losing weight for middle-aged women is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Give your body what it needs to function optimally and avoid foods that are nutritionally deficient as well as loaded with chemicals that overburden the liver. Given the eating, sleeping and practice habits of contemporary women this turn can be quite radical. It means avoiding packaged, processed foods that are high in sugars, fats, and chemicals and low in fiber and nutrients. This includes so-called diet products along with diet sodas. Synthetic sweeteners are much worse than natural sugars and can in fact be addictive.

Weight Loss Story

A healthy diet for women over 40 will differ slightly to a good diet for a younger person. As we age, the body becomes less sufficient in processing carbohydrates. Therefore, in order to lose body fat middle-aged women need to eat fewer carbohydrates. A diet that is high in protein, fruits and vegetables with plenty of pure water is the key to regaining condition and fitness. It is also important to eat morning meal to kick start the metabolism for the day.

A number of smaller meals throughout the day are good for weight loss than three big meals. This is because larger meals publish a lot of insulin into the blood which can interfere with metabolism. You will burn more fat with lower blood insulin levels. Some women may think that cutting their food right back will mean even lower insulin levels, lower fat and greater weight loss. However, if you cut back on your food intake too much you will lower your metabolic rate substantially and withhold body fat. They key to losing weight is to eat only life giving, nutritious foods that your body can easily metabolize.

However, eating healthily is only the first step towards weight loss for women over 40. It is critical to engage in quarterly aerobic practice and vigor training in order to growth their metabolic rate, burn fat and build lean muscle which uses more power than fat.

Sleep is also important. Women who do not get eight hours of quarterly sleep a night are more likely to be overweight than those who do. If you make these lifestyle changes, yet you are finding losing weight is still difficult, you may be dealing with a hormonal imbalance. Estrogen dominance can cause weight gain which is difficult to shift. If this is the case, a natural low-dose progesterone cream may be helpful in restoring balance.

Weight loss for women over 40 does not have to be complicated. If you adopt a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to achieve and enounce a healthy body weight easily.

Weight Loss in Women Over 40

Weigh Down Basics Testimonies

Weigh Down Basics Testimonies Video Clips. Duration : 8.20 Mins.

Weigh Down Basics, the basics to PERMANENT WEIGHT LOSS- a life-changing seminar! Whether you have been in Weigh Down for 10 years or you are brand new- you need this class to lose your weight. This powerful intensive class is 6 weeks long. It focuses intensely on the repetition of the basics. It will keep your focus UP! Lay the foundation in your life to permanent weight loss! Get rid of mindless eating, diet rules, harsh treatment of the body!! This class will get any beginner started and anyone who have been in classes for a while to break free!! You have nothing to lose but weight! For more information visit

Keywords: fast, weight loss, diet, fat, lost, Gwen Shamblin, story, testimony

My P90X Success Story

My P90X Success Story Tube. Duration : 1.38 Mins. Visit my blog! I'll help you get killer P90X results.

Tags: p90x, results, dennis, hardy, blog, messageboard, workouts, fitness, success, story

How I Lost 27 Pounds In 30 Days And You Can Too! My Weight Loss Story!

Hey Guys, I know that I am not the only person in the constant struggle to keep those pesky pounds off. Sometimes it can feel legitimately impossible! For years I had tried diet after diet struggling to find one that would help me. Sometimes I found diets that worked for a short duration but the weight always came back. My stubborn weight just would not leave me!

I tried all those big name diets. You know the ones I'm talking about, Jenny Craig, South Beach, etc. I even tried the Atkins diet and even That didn't help me. I started taking fitness classes at my local gym. Everybody knows practice works but the question is roughly no one has the time to keep up with exercising.

Weight Loss Story

Several months of struggle passed before something finally changed for me. I discovered a way to lose my pesky stubborn weight and I legitimately found out how to do it by watching a doctor on a daytime Tv show! The doctor mentioned two products on his show. What originally caught my attention was the doctor referring to one of the products as a "super food" from the heart of Brazil. It got the super-fruit title because of its similarity to the tasteless grape and its many health benefits. Inside this fruit there are vitamins, minerals, and many antioxidants proven to help suppress your appetite and help you lose weight immediately!

My popular thing about this "miracle diet" is that you don't legitimately have to turn your diet at all. All I had to do was add the two products to my current diet and they did all the heavy lifting! The doctor advised population to eat the berry goods together with the cleanser product. He then showed studies about population who followed this disposition and lost weight. Every singular outpatient who followed the disposition lost a essential amount of weight in under a month's time. Can you say no more calorie counting?

I knew after seeing this that I had to try this diet. It's not often you see a doctor endorse health products and I without fail needed to slim my chubby body. I found the products on a website and ordered some free samples, all I had to do was pay shipping. It was risk free on my part so I had nothing to lose. I could not believe how Fast these products kicked in. I lost weight immediately. My appetite became suppressed and I became full of energy. I ended up shedding a grand total of 27 pounds with the 1 month samples that I got. I didn't ever need to buy the refills!

I can't even begin to tell you the emotional stress and pain that I went straight through before seeing this diet. After all I went straight through it seemed somewhat poetic that I finally lost all my stubborn pounds for under the price of a McDonalds Happy Meal.

How I Lost 27 Pounds In 30 Days And You Can Too! My Weight Loss Story!

How I lost 50lbs on P90X

How I lost 50lbs on P90X Tube. Duration : 8.63 Mins.

SOULJAGURLSHA'S CHANNEL Before and After P90X Cinderella Story *170lbs-110lbs* My Blog! *CHECK OUT MY WORD FROM WORKOUT PLAN* My Facebook!

Tags: Loose 50lbs Fast, How to lose 50lbs, p90x, weight, fitness, loss, exercise, lost, fashion, models, modeling, howto, health diet, health, video log, workout, muscle, body, bodybuilding, training

How Not To Gain Weight After A Fast, Ep131

How Not To Gain Weight After A Fast, Ep131 Video Clips. Duration : 10.00 Mins.

Learn what to do after fasting or juice feasting to not gain the weight back! www.rawradianthealth.comFREE Juices & Smoothies Recipe eBook Health & Wellness Coaching http 10-Day Juice Fasting Program: Website: Blog Facebook: Twitter: Donations: To learn more about the Raw Food Diet and individual, group or donation based coaching to lose weight, have more energy and get healthy, go to: -

Keywords: raw food, raw food diet, weight loss, fasting, permanent weight loss, stop gaining weight, fasting and weight loss, binge eating, over eating, rawradianthealth, raw radiant health, natasha st. michael, juice fasting, juice feasting, how to fast, transitioning to raw food diet

Success Story :: Sharlynn :: 24 Hour Fitness

Success Story :: Sharlynn :: 24 Hour Fitness Tube. Duration : 1.13 Mins.

Sharlynn Nielsen's story begins at a low point. She tells the familiar stories of hiding from photographs, seat belt extensions, and the seemingly endless private humiliations that come with being overweight. She says she had tried virtually everything to lose weight, only to fail over and over. She even tells a horror story about trying to join another gym where she was told, "You'll never lose weight, you'll always be fat." When she finally came to 24 Hour Fitness, she says I was 350 pounds, and I needed to lose just wasn't an option anymore. Sharlynn signed up, got a trainer, and got to work. She'll be the first to tell you have been both sweat and tears. But since then, Sharlynn has lost an incredible 130 pounds, and she shows no signs of stopping. I finally feel like I'm getting my life back into control...Life is fun, there's so much out there, it's unbelievable.

Tags: 24 Hour Fitness, Exercise, Fitness Club, Gym, Workout, Weight Loss

How I Lost Weight - My Weight Loss Success Story

This is my story about how I lost weight. I hope my success will inspire other citizen to ensue as well.

I remember it was after I heard something about an additional one scientific investigate which revealed that being overweight is bad for health.

Weight Loss Story

Every time I heard something like that I would promise myself that I'm going to lose weight, but I failed miserably and completely.

However, this time I made a decision that I must do something about it.

You see, pride is very leading to me.

I do not like when citizen see me in bad light.

So I thought: "Maybe I can use my pride to help me get rid off extra pounds." I made a list of all citizen that I want to respect me. Next, I bought 20 or so postcards and wrote on them: "I promise you that I will lose weight."

Within one week, I gave or sent the postcards to the citizen on my list - dad, mom, brother, my boss, the best friend, five other friends and my neighbors. The only someone I did not give the postcard was my girlfriend.

I was mad about her and I certainly wanted her to respect me. I knew that I would die of shame if I broke my promise.

But one day, I came to her house, gave her the postcard and left without a word.

Losing weight was the hardest thing I did in my life. Many times I was on the brink of breaking my promise. But every time this happened, I would remember the citizen on my list and how I would lose their respect for me.

Why am I telling you this?

Because one of the most leading reasons why lots of citizen fail to lose weight is the lack of motivation.

Wanting to lose weight or wanting to look good is often not sufficient for most citizen to stick to a weight loss schedule or diet.

In other words, the stronger your motivation, the best your results!

Once armed with strong motivation, it was easy for me to shed extra pounds.

In case you want to know what weight loss schedule I used ... Well, I did not use any of beloved diets.

My plan was simple. It included three elements:

1. Eating half of all I usually eat. No food supplements or calorie counting.

2. Exercising 30 minutes a day, seven days a week - all from brisk walking, swimming, playing basketball to weight lifting.

3. I used some tools that significantly helped me lose extra weight.

How I Lost Weight - My Weight Loss Success Story

Kristi and Laura's weight loss journey (lost 150 pounds between the two of us)

Kristi and Laura's weight loss journey (lost 150 pounds between the two of us) Tube. Duration : 3.68 Mins.

Two friends and their weight loss journey

Tags: weight loss, inspiration, fitness, triathlon, running, inspirational, diet, exercise, muscle, workout

Annette Funicello Wedding

Annette Funicello Wedding Video Clips. Duration : 6.47 Mins.

Annette Funicello Wedding

Keywords: Annette, Funicello, Wedding

My Weight Loss Success Story - How I Lost 30 Pounds in 30 Days

This is a short story concerning my weight loss success story. Ever since I graduated college I have struggled with my weight. When I was in college it was easy for me to stay somewhat thin. I was able to run 3-4 times per week and I was in the gym roughly 5 days a week with my buddies!

I didn't even need to eat admittedly wholesome foods to stay thin probably because I was always so active. After college is when the question began. Like most people I got a full time job and couldn't go to the gym or running 3-4 times a week as usual. To make matters even worse, when you work it's admittedly hard to eat correctly. I found myself constantly eating fast food during the day and would normally end the night at a cafeteria with some friends.

Weight Loss Story

I would try to make up for this by eating what I notion was an occasional "good" meal. What was this good meal? Nothing more than just eating more crap that I made at home but just the fact that it was at home I notion I was being good.

There was a point that I went to the river with some friends and when we got back we were seeing at some pictures. I saw myself climbing up a rock with my shirt off and I remember saying to myself "oh my god I am fat, I need to lose some weight like now!"

I also fell victim to many of the fast weight loss fads out there. I'm not going to name programs but diet pills, those costly diet plans where you have to buy their food exclusively and I even tried a personal trainer but it was just too expensive.

After a lot of experimenting I finally found a agenda that worked for my personal dieting personality, worked with my eating style and fit into my budget and lifestyle. As a corollary of seeing a diet that fit with me in all these categories

I was able to go from 222lbs to 196 in a petite over 30 days. It gave me so much inspiration and confidence I signed up at the gym and prolonged on my diet and in other 30 days I was down to about 185. Because of this I am going to figure a few tips for you to adhere to when searching out a diet plan or program.

First of all there are many diets available. Ordinarily if you corollary a diet to the letter roughly anyone can lose weight. What it comes down to is your goal is to find a diet that matches up to you on many levels. corollary the tips below to find the best diet plan or weight loss formula for you.

1. First off, If you have the money to hire a personal trainer or nutritionist then do it. That's a no brainer. The question is most people don't. So this doesn't apply to you.

2. I have bought roughly 6 diet programs online. Either ebooks or software or coaching programs. My advice is to Only purchase programs that give you a 30-60 day money back guarantee

3. Stick to Any diet you effort for a minimum of 30 days. I have normally found that the 30 day mark will give me a good idea of how my body is responding.

4. If you cannot stick to a diet Exactly as recommended without production ultimate sacrifices then just drop it. There is no point. Your ultimate success will come from sticking to something long term. Most people Will Not stick to something it they are going way out of their way to corollary it.

5. Remember your goal is to find a diet that is easy for you to follow, fits within your budget, fits your time constraints and lifestyle and something you could stick to for reasonably long periods of time. It is also nice to have some quick weight loss because it keeps you motivated.

My Weight Loss Success Story - How I Lost 30 Pounds in 30 Days

Weight Loss For Men Over 50 - 3 improbable Tips For Men's Weight Loss Over 50

So you're over 50 and ready to lose weight

I know what you're going through. Our metabolism has slowed and age is making it more difficult to lose weight. For me that was very frustrating. I worried either I could easily lose weight at my age. But I have very, very good news for you:  

Weight Loss Story

I lost weight over 50 and you can too.  

Get this - at mid life 76% of men are overweight compared to just 59% of women. Wow! But there's a good think for this. Part of the battle is the fact that we lose 8 to 16% of lean body mass every decade.  

What this means is that our metabolism slows, we lose widespread strength, and due to the loss of muscle we don't burn as many calories and are likely to gain weight. So our body is working against us!  

This is why I want to share three foreseen, tips to help you lose weight.  

What are these three tips?  

  1. Eat right. I know you've heard this. But you have to adjust it for your age. First you need to eat less because your body's daily power needs have decreased. Also eat 6 smaller meals instead of three. This jump starts your metabolism.
  2. Build Strength. You've got to offset the loss of lean body mass straight through weight training. Extra muscle means more calorie burning. Just be true and allow more time for recovery.
  3. Cardio exercise. Now I'm not saying you should start running marathons. Just start easy and work your way up. Cardio is prominent because it keeps your heart salutary and burns calories.

Caution: These tips are foreseen, because they work.  Do them properly and you'll lose weight.  I promise.   

Weight Loss For Men Over 50 - 3 improbable Tips For Men's Weight Loss Over 50

Pt 4 of 8 - Pre-Bariatric surgery presentation by Dr. Connie Stapleton

Pt 4 of 8 - Pre-Bariatric surgery presentation by Dr. Connie Stapleton Tube. Duration : 9.93 Mins.

Connie Stapleton, Ph.D. gives her presentation to Bariatric surgery patients. For more information, please visit

Tags: Baritric, surgery, patient, information, stomach, staple, stapling, weight, loss, procedure, lap, band, obesity, help

vigor Flow in the Body and Weight Loss

We have to ensure the permissible vigor flow in the body if we want to be salutary and lose weight. There are many ways to do so. We can replenish the vital vigor straight through practicing qigong, acupressure or yoga. We can also replenish the vigor straight through salutary nutrition.

Qigong means cultivating the vital vigor or qi. It promotes the flow of vital vigor in the body and among other benefits promotes the weight loss. Qigong can help lose weight in different ways:

Weight Loss Story

1. Deep breathing exercises promote the flow of qi, advance the willpower and thus help to cope with cravings and staying on a weight loss program till the desired outcome is achieved.

2. Qigong helps to clear the vigor blockages in the body. When the vigor moves freely, the major vigor centers that nourish the endocrine glands get energized. This helps regulate the hormones production in the body and hence help to speak the ideal weight and good health.

3. When practiced on an empty stomach qigong helps increase the metabolic rate and burn fat.

Vital vigor can also be derived from food. This is another theorize to eat salutary food. Overcooked foods, non-organic foods treated with herbicides and pesticides, foods that are too spicy, too fatty, too sweet, foods that over-stimulate the body do not nourish the body and do not supply the body with qi. They absolutely deplete the vigor of the body because an extra vigor is needed for their digestion.

Acupressure is another way to promote the vigor flow in the body. Stimulation of the acupressure points related to spleen, large intestine, stomach and gall bladder used in conjunction with other weight loss tools can facilitate the weight loss process.

vigor Flow in the Body and Weight Loss

A Journey

A Journey Tube. Duration : 5.37 Mins.

My journey of weightloss in pictures and music. Song had to be swapped due to copyright laws to "Bring me to Life" by Evanescence from what it was originally as "Right Now" by Van Halen. So, the timing is off now as to what it was but the pictures are the focus anyway, so... yeah. If you take the time to watch, please take the time to comment. Thanks! (Cover your eyes in some parts! It's graphic! LOL)

Tags: weight, weightloss, fat, pictures, vanhalen

Fast Weight Loss Diet Pills - Jump Start Your Metabolism Today

Open up other browser and search for diet pills. There are over six hundred thousand web pages about diet pills. Yikes! Where do you start? What's good for you? What is bad for you? How do fast weight loss diet pills assuredly work? Look no further, you have found the answers you seek.

Each fast weight loss diet pill is distinct so they work differently. Generally, though, these pills consist of appetite suppressants that help you feel full quicker and not as hungry throughout the day. A lot of the pills also consist of fat blockers that forestall your body from entertaining up to 30% of the fat in the foods you are eating. Many diet pills also consist of stimulants to help you feel energized throughout the day even though you are eating less and bringing in fewer vitamins and proteins.

Weight Loss Story

When consider which fast weight loss diet pills might be right for you, you should talk to your doctor. I know a lot of people think their doctor is going to talk them out of trying a diet pill, but your doctor is knowledgeable about these things and can tell you which ones might work good for you. There are also prescriptions only diet pills that your assurance will cover if you take this route. Talking with your doctor is the best way to go. In expanding to recommendations or prescriptions of diet pills, he or she can also tell you if a minor diet convert or short term exercise program would work just as well. Diet pills can get expensive if you use them over a long period of time and it may be good to just convert your diet and start exercising.

However, fast weight loss diet pills are a great way to boost your metabolism to get you going. If you have a lot of weight to lose and are having a hard time finding the energy or motivation diet pills may be a great way to get you started. Once you get started and find a pattern and routine and are able to convert behaviors and eating habits, you probably won't need to keep taking the pills.

Fast weight loss diet pills can work to get you going. It is prominent to remember though; there is no magic in a pill. Every ingredient in any pill has inherent side effects and can harm if you if taken beyond the recommended lengths or taking more than recommended. Talk to your doctor first, maybe they can point you in a good direction.

Fast Weight Loss Diet Pills - Jump Start Your Metabolism Today

College Weight Loss Tips and College Weight Loss Plan

When you are in college you have lots of other problems than losing weight. However, those years when you are in college could be very leading for your hereafter weight and your health in general. Being overweight is bad for your health and it could lower your self confidence as well. When you live with many people in a dormitory it is also easy to catch a disease. But if you are healthy and not overweight it is easier to stay healthy. A healthy weight will also help to forestall any illnesses in the future. It is quite leading to learn even in college how to speak healthy weight or how to lose weight if you are overweight.

The most leading thing to do to lose weight in college is to eat healthy food. Don't trade water for beer or salad for junk food and you are on the way to healthy weight. It's good to keep some low fat snacks like yogurt, carrots and some fruit, so you won't be tempted to eat some junk food snacks when you are hungry.

Weight Loss Story

Another very leading thing to do is to exercise. Most of the schools have well equipped gyms, so you should use them. Some yoga, tai-chi or any kind of martial arts would also keep you in a great shape if you like it more, than going to the gym.

You need to plan your healthy meals and time for rehearsal in advance, and it will be much easier to stay healthy and to look good. You could also plan for some fun activities on weekends that don't consist of drinking a lot of alcoholic drinks.

It is also very leading who you spend time with. If your friends are also implicated with healthy lifestyle it will be easy for you to stick to your healthy discipline. If your friends drink lots of alcohol and eat a lot of junk food, it won't be easy for you to lose weight. If you lose weight in college you will not only stun your family and friends when you go home for summer break, but you will also learn some healthy habits that will keep you good looking and healthy in the future.

College Weight Loss Tips and College Weight Loss Plan

Forever Living Diet Plan

Forever Living Diet Plan Tube. Duration : 8.58 Mins.

Diets don't work you need to have a way to lose wieght the right way Forever has a fantastic programme that works.

Keywords: diet, Plan, Aloe, Vera, Make, money, Forever, Living, Products, Health, lose, weight., weight, loss, over

Funny Video-Have you done your exercises for today?

Funny Video-Have you done your exercises for today? Tube. Duration : 1.75 Mins. ☼☼☼☼IF YOU WANT TO BE IN ONE OF MY VIDEOS☼☼☼☼ Please send your before AND after picture to DONT FORGET to include your youtube ID!!!! I will get your channel recognized too if you want! :) Just funny clips combined of people who fail at exercises and random things :) Hope you all enjoy a good laugh today! Music : Rascal Flatts "Shine On" ************************************* IF you are on your own weight loss journey on Youtube please post one of your videos as a video response to this!!!! We have a great support system around here :) ***************************************

Tags: funny, video, exercise, weight, loss, treadmill, running, jumping, fail, owned

Aspartame, Brain Cancer & the FDA Approval Process (Sugarfree Light Diet Coke Zero E951)

Aspartame, Brain Cancer & the FDA Approval Process (Sugarfree Light Diet Coke Zero E951) Tube. Duration : 10.58 Mins.

The approval of the artificial sweetener aspartame (E951) was the most contested in FDA history. The approval was not based on any scientific grounds but was granted due to political and financial pressure. Aspartame was first 'discovered' in 1965 by Searle, a drug company based in Chicago. The FDA finally approved aspartame in 1981, even though scientific research had clearly shown that aspartame caused brain cancer in lab animals. http The tests that Searle used to determine the so-called safety of aspartame were severely flawed. Searle used unscientific lab practices, falsified data and withheld crucial information during the FDA approval process. Because aspartame caused brain tumors in laboratory animals, it poses a real cancer risk to humans as well. Cancer is increasing in western countries and will soon be the leading cause of death. Aspartame (E951) is now being used in over 6000 products and millions of people worldwide use the sweetener on a daily basis. In addition to causing cancer, aspartame also causes many other health problems including epilepsy, migraines, diabetes, obesity, brain disorders, ADHD, ADD, MS, etc. The US Department of Health has recorded 92 (!) symptoms following complaints about aspartame. In fact, over 80% of all complaints filed with FDA are aspartame related! Some of the brand names for aspartame: AminoSweet, NutraSweet, Equal, NatraTaste, Canderel, Spoonful, Equal ...

Keywords: children's, health, expert, tips, autism, cures, weight, loss, health4me, MS, Epilepsy, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Obesity, ADHD, migraines, nutrition, Nutrasweet, medicine, physical, healthy, living, science, food, e-numbers, additives, allergies, neotame, sucralose, slimming, down, losing, children, child, cancer, sugar, free, allergy, vitality, manipulation, seizures, Splenda, H1N1, swine, flu, outbreak, virus, influenza, pandemic, mexican, Gardasil, HPV, Cervarix, Tamilfu, Baxter, fluoride, healthranger7, NWO, mercury, poisoning, side, effects

The inspiring Story of Weight Loss by Jared "The Subway Guy"

If you are seeing it difficult to lose weight and need inspiration look no farther than the breathtaking story of Jerrod Fogle, a.k.a. "The Subway Guy". At 20 years old Jerrod weighed 425 pounds. Jerrod's roommate at Indiana University was able to correctly diagnose Jerrod with two medical conditions: sleep apnea and edema. Because Jerrod's father was a physician he told Jerrod that unless he lost weight he might not live to the age of 35.

Jerrod decided to try a unique diet agenda that involved eating a 6-inch turkey sub sandwich for lunch and a foot long veggie sandwich for dinner. In expanding he added some walking to his new diet regime. After three months on this particular agenda he had lost over 100 pounds. He continued with the agenda of eating at Subway and walking as much as he could and in the end lost over 240 pounds as a result.

Weight Loss Story

Because of the success of Jerrod losing weight he was hired by Subway as a spokesperson to promote the salutary aspect of Subway sandwiches. He now is fully employed with Subway as their spokesperson and continues to show up in commercials all around the United States.

Jerrod now weighs 190 pounds, which is a good weight for his 6'2" frame. This type of radical weight-loss is enthralling because it shows just exactly what is potential when a person decides that they need to lose weight in order to avoid serious medical complications. If you are in Jerrod's position I hope that you can garner some sense of hope that someday you too can lose a vital whole of weight so that you can have a general body size once more.

What Jerrod proved is that changing your diet from an unhealthy one to one that is healthier, combined with a moderate form of exercise, you will lose weight for sure. How much you lose depends on how serious you are in staying on track to reach your goal weight. If you are not morbidly obese as was Jerrod, you will likely have an easier time of reaching your target. All it takes is the desire to see an revision in your weight and act in a unavoidable manner to see that convert take place.

The inspiring Story of Weight Loss by Jared "The Subway Guy"

3 Effective Lower Ab Exercises - How To Build Your Lower Abs Fast

3 Effective Lower Ab Exercises - How To Build Your Lower Abs Fast Video Clips. Duration : 3.28 Mins. - Ab exercises for lower abdominals gives you the nice burn especially in your lower abs and the top on your thighs as well. You don't need to do 20 different ab exercises to blast your abs, instead pick up 3 exercises, that works in each upper, middle and lower area. If you have tendency to have problems to develop lower abs, always do the exercises for lower abs first and keep the focus of lower abs. You can have the best ab workout program for the lower abs, you can have the exercises for lower abs but you won't get any results, if you don't know the truth, how to get flat stomach and how to build lower abs. Click here http to learn more! Please add to your playlist of exercise programs for lower abs!

Keywords: lower abs, lower abs exercises, lower abs workout, how do you get lower abs, ripped lower abs

Jeremy's Story: Liposuction and Tummy Tuck in Beverly Hills

Jeremy's Story: Liposuction and Tummy Tuck in Beverly Hills Video Clips. Duration : 4.43 Mins.

Visit to view more cosmetic surgery videos. Like many people considering abdominoplasty in Beverly Hills, Jeremy wanted to remove the loose skin he had as a result of losing a serious amount of weight. For more information on tummy tucks, Jeremy turned to Dr. Stevens of Marina Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles for liposuction and an abdominoplasty so that he could enjoy a slimmer look and enhance his confidence with his body. As seen on Discovery Health: Plastic Surgery Before and After: "Plastic Elastic"

Keywords: los, angeles, liposuction, tummy, tuck, beverly, hills, abdominoplasty

Raw Food Weight Loss 178 pounds! Dave the Raw Food Trucker VIDEO #5

Raw Food Weight Loss 178 pounds! Dave the Raw Food Trucker VIDEO #5 Video Clips. Duration : 9.87 Mins.

VIDEO #5 of my weekly chats with my friend Dave the raw food trucker! ❤ Since we last saw Dave, he has gone down another couple of belt buckles! He has been drinking a lot of green juice: 1-1.5 liters 0.5-1 gallons a day... Hear as he talks about colonics (and how he thought it was a gross idea at first), opening up his third eye, juice feasting, working out at the GYM and at rest stops on his trucker route, and more... ;-) Hey, and did you know that way back at the start of Dave's journey, that it took just FOUR DAYS of juice feasting for him to get off of his diabetic medications? You heard that right, 4 DAYS. ❤ Dave's words of wisdom ❤ If you fall down, just get up and start again!! There is more digestible protein in 1 pound of dark green leafy vegetables, than there is in a 1-pound T-bone steak! Thanks everyone for joining us again this week. Love, Dan ❤ For those of you just joining us on this video, here's some background on Dave...make sure to also watch the rest of his videos here: My friend Dave the raw food truck driver tells his story of how he came from the brink of death to heal himself of several diseases including colon cancer, type II diabetes, kidney disease, with the consumption of raw foods. Not to mention his amazing weight loss of 178 pounds over the last 16 months, and he's not stopping there. He is going to go ALL the way with his health, and wants YOU too as well. This guy is a TRUE SUPERHERO!! PS: A very special thanks to Stephanie ...

Tags: health, lose, lot, weight, loss, raw, food, foods, foodist, diet, diets, plan, rawfood, juicing, juice, juices, juicer, juicers, recipe, recipes, dave, trucker, truck, driver, truckers, healing, cancer, diabetes, type, kidney, disease, natural, cure, cures, healthy, heal, easy, quick, safe, fruit, fruits, vegetable, vegetables, detox, detoxification, obese, obesity

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss Vs Bottle Feeding and Weight Loss

The moot has raged for years. Breastfeeding vs Bottle feeding. Which is better? - Well, I guess it's only raged for the last 50 or 60 years, since they invented baby formula. There are lots of arguments for both side, dealing with nourishment for baby, condition for mom, bonding, and a ton of other things... But here's one thing that's not talked about as often as it should be: breastfeeding and weight loss.

No, not for the baby. Breastfed babies are ordinarily larger than their bottle fed brethren. But that's not the point  - this is weight loss for the mom! Every mom wonders if that extra baby weight from the gravidity will ever go away (so they can fit into their old jeans again). So let's assess bottle feeding with breastfeeding and weight loss.

Weight Loss Story

Let's start with bottle feeding and it's affect on the mother. This one is pretty simple... The mom holds up the bottle for the baby for the first few months, which does burn some calories, but not much. I guess you could count the frequent waking in the middle of the night and walking down the stairs to mix up the bottle as exercise - but that's probably affecting sleep more than anything. Then you have to take into inventory that in most family who bottle feed, there is at least a second someone who does the job half of the time (the Dad), thus removing any calorie burning effects that might have been gained by the mother.

Now let's talk about breastfeeding and weight loss. It has been shown that breastfeeding can burn up to 600 fat per day! That's the equivalent of two hours of intense aerobic workouts a day. That's pretty awesome.

There are also reports that Mothers who breastfeed more often lose weight faster than mothers who nurse less often, and mothers who nurse for shorter periods of time tend to lose weight more gently than mothers who nurse longer. So it's entirely possible that if you breastfeed you'll be able to eat more than you ever could before and still lose weight!

Why is that? Because breastfeeding and weight loss go hand in hand! in fact though, it's because you are feeding two people and you're body has to work pretty hard to make the milk and make sufficient of it to withhold an entirely cut off human being - that's growing like a freakin' weed.

So if you want to lose weight and keep it off after gravidity - stick with breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss Vs Bottle Feeding and Weight Loss

Juice fast Day Two and I've lost weight already

Juice fast Day Two and I've lost weight already Video Clips. Duration : 3.57 Mins. (Only .99) Day Two and here's the update. So excited i've lost weight already! And it's so simple Don't forget to like this video and leave a comment. Thank you for watching

Tags: liquid, diet, fast

Henry's Pee and My Gut

Henry's Pee and My Gut Video Clips. Duration : 3.25 Mins.

In which John discusses the much-vaunted but generally unsuccessful strategy of "going with your gut" while playing with his My Little Pony. He also discusses a Henry pee fountain and a few other things. Long live the brain! Oy! The daisy with one petal removed is CLEARLY a reference to "Looking for Alaska," and I just didn't notice it until nerdfighters pointed it out in comments. Sorry! (But, man, I love that My Little Pony.)

Keywords: weight, loss, dieting, vlogbrothers, emotionalism, intellectualism, nerdfighters, john, green, hank, my, little, pony, is, awesome

Ramon Lopez - a life saved by weight loss surgery

Ramon Lopez - a life saved by weight loss surgery Tube. Duration : 4.28 Mins.

I met Ramon in 2004 just before his weight loss surgery. We became incredible friends through "paying it forward" to the weight loss surgery community. Debra Flores joined us to create RYD Obesity and the three of us have been inseparable since. This is Ramon's story. Thanks to Craig Thompson at The Weight Loss Surgery Channel I was given the opportunity to do a show called Weight Loss Surgery Journeys and the latest episode features Ramon. Please check it out at and click on programs and choose WLS Journeys. My site is

Keywords: ramon lopez, yvonne mccarthy, debra flores, bariatric girl, gastric bypass, before after pictures, weight loss surgery, RNY, RYD Obesity, obesityhelp, bariatric, surgery

Weight Loss Is easy Math, Right?

There is much moot in the world of fat these days. The simplistic approach of just reducing caloric intake in order to lose weight has come to be scrutinized. Not necessarily because it's wrong, but because there's more to the story. Or is there? Let's take a look and see.

It has long been held that creating a caloric deficit, either by fascinating fewer fat or by burning off more calories, is all that is needed in order to reduce weight. Simple math.

Weight Loss Story

Calories In - fat Out = Caloric Deficit/Surplus = Weight Loss/Gain

Take in more fat than you burn off...gain weight. Burn more fat that you consume...lose weight. In other words, regardless of what you eat, so long as you consume less fat than you burn off you will lose weight. Simple, right?

Yes, and that's the problem. Let me explain. Given that a gram of protein and a gram of carbohydrate both consist of 4 calories, you would assume that fascinating 50 grams of each would have the same succeed on the body. After all, both would constitute a 200 calorie intake (btw, fat per gram of any given nutrient are averages and will vary from food source to food source...therefore, 2 grams of fat taken from two dissimilar food sources may as a matter of fact have caloric discrepancies, even though fat in general is given a caloric article of 9 fat per gram). However, this is not the case. Data suggests that the thermic succeed of nutrients will vary, with protein having the highest metabolic cost of the three macronutrients (protein the highest, then carbohydrate, then fat).

Therefore, Simple math will tell you that if it takes more vigor to metabolize 200 fat of protein than it does to metabolize 200 fat of carbohydrates, fascinating 200 fat of each can't possibly be equal in terms of the effects it will have on weight loss efforts. In other words, Simple math will tell you it's not Simple math. Even within nutrients, there are differences in metabolic cost. For instance, fiber will have a higher metabolic cost than Simple sugars.

So what is the message behind all of this? Counting fat is not good sufficient when it comes to achieving optimal weight loss. The blend of your meals will have an impact, and metabolic cost is one mechanism by which this will occur. Other factors that decree how you acknowledge to the blend of your meals consist of hormonal responses, condition status, and rehearsal habits...among others.

So while fat consumed is important, if you're not losing weight by simply cutting fat you need to reconsider other options. Taking a close look at the blend of your meals would be the ideal place to start.

Weight Loss Is easy Math, Right?

Kirstie Alley & Weight Loss

Getting rid of 75 pounds in in a matter of 365 days, Kirstie Alley's tale remains as one of the biggest weight loss successes stories of all time. Because Kirstie Alley is a well-known celebrity, her crossing from 200 pounds to 125 pounds is very renowned.

In 2005, Kirstie Alley, the famous star of two Star Trek films and immortal humor flicks like Blind Date and Deconstructing Harry, as well as a foremost role in Tv's most well-received series, Cheers, got bigger to as much as 200 pounds. She admitted to experiencing depression while this time, but her emotional turmoil was lessened by her decision to accept her problem and her dedication to do something about the same.

Weight Loss Story

Instead of wallowing in self pity, Alley joined in a reality-based cable Tv series entitled Fat Actress, chronicling her own ordeal as an overweight pro actress finding for projects in Hollywood.

Kirstie Alley was turned into an image model for Jenny Craig's weight loss course. Every 3 weeks or so, a new market starring Alley appeared on Tv, detailing her enlarge under the said program.

The results were astonishing, and the whole country was surprised by how much weight she lost in a relative short duration of time.

The Jenny Craig weight loss policy aimed for a 3 to 5 pound weight discount per week, which is quite a realistic goal. It has been said that Kirstie Alley is an greatest proof to the success of Jenny Craig's weight loss course, making more citizen to register to the same following to Kristie Alley's appearance, scantily clad and revealing her newfound - or recently re-discovered -shape in one of the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Kirstie Alley's bargain as Jenny Craig's spokesperson has expired, and recently, Alley has announced her plan to release her very own weight loss agenda in 2009.

The world witnessed how much she lost weight. The world has standard her as living proof that citizen can in fact lose a considerable estimate of weight if they'll make an effort. And everyone is in no doubt expecting for the subsequent weight loss-correlated news with regard to Kirstie Alley.

Kirstie Alley & Weight Loss

From Fat to Fortune - Jared's Subway Story

The story begins in Indianapolis, Indiana, Usa, where one Jared S. Fogle was born on 1st December 1977. Attending North Central High School, Jared was massively overweight, weighing in at 425 pounds, and reputedly sporting 6Xl shirts. As a learner of Indiana University, Jared roomed with a medic who diagnosed him with oedema, after which he was sent to hospital. Jared was told that his inordinate obesity could lead him to the grave by age his mid-thirties if he didn't turn his ways.

Realising the severity of the situation, Jared decided to take action. Intrigued by a local Subway's "7 for 6" ad campaign (which offered a menu of seven sandwiches, each with less than six grams of fat) he began a diet of a 6-inch turkey club sandwich for lunch, and a foot-long veggie sub for dinner. The diet was a success; within three months Jared had shed roughly 100 pounds, and the descriptive reduction in his size spurred him on to begin taking quarterly exercise. Rather than using transport, Jared began to walk everywhere he could, selecting to take the stairs rather than the lift wherever possible. By the end of the diet, he had lost over 240 pounds, dramatically reducing his waistline and lengthening his life expectancy.

Weight Loss Story

Struck by Jared's huge weight loss, a dorm-mate who barely recognised him (due to his new slim look) wrote an article about Jared for the Indiana Daily learner in April 1999. A writer for Men's health read the article and went on to write a piece for the magazine which included a mention of the "Subway Sandwich Diet" in an article called "Crazy Diets that Work".

A Subway franchise owner in the Chicago area read the article, and went to speak to the director of Subway's Chicago advertising agency, believing the story could be used to promote the enterprise in some way. The situation snowballed and it wasn't long before Jared was brought in to tell his story on camera, which then became a nationwide Tv ad campaign.

The industrial was a huge success; the day after it was first aired, Subway's marketing director started receiving calls from Usa Today, Abc News, Fox News and even Oprah. The story grew, and soon hotels in Indianapolis were full of reporters keen to meet the man who had shed so much weight by eating what was carefully fast food.

It seemed that the Usa - a nation famously overweight in the eyes of many countries, could communicate to Jared's battle with the scales, and above all, the fact that Jared was a real person with a genuine success story, rather than some fictional advertisement. Subway reaped the rewards with sales rising by 18% that year, and a additional 16% the following year.

Jared is now a well-recognised phenomenon who has been parodied on various mainstream Tv shows and films, along with 'The Simpsons', 'South Park', 'Scary Movie 3' and 'Saturday Night Live'. He continues to be employed by Subway as a spokesman on fitness and wholesome eating.

From Fat to Fortune - Jared's Subway Story