Weight Loss disposition For Women - Producing Results

As you may already know, men and women tend to lose weight and burn fat differently and therefore dissimilar workout routines and regiments are valuable for women to reach their fitness goals. Although some things remain the same like the right whole of cardio, there are many differences as well. Take a look at the weight loss routine for women below and use it within your existing fitness regime.

First, it is foremost to warm up your muscles and moderately increase your heart rate with moderate cardio. This includes walking or a brisk jog for 5-10minutes to begin your workout. From here you can begin your workout with any of the following muscle group toning exercises. The following is a rough sketch of a weight loss program for beginners:

Weight Loss Story

o Legs: the walking lunge is a great move that helps tone not only your thighs but your butt as well as your calves as well. Conduct 3 sets of 10 repetitions and increase as this exercise becomes easier over time.

o Legs/Butt: either with a barbell in your arms or utilizing your own body weight take an exercise ball and place it in the middle of a wall and the small of your back. This will keep your body balanced during the exercise. Accomplish the squat in 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

o Arms: here you can use free weights or machines at your gym if you are a member. Bicep curls and triceps extensions are base to sculpt and tone arms.

Cardio can be thought about as the best exercise to burn fat, at the end of your workout be sure to couple at least 20minutes of moderate cardio. This can be done on the treadmill, elliptical machine, bike or stepper of your choice. It is always best to mix up your routine to make things more interesting. always start and terminate with cardio but how you Accomplish your cardio never has to be the same.

Women do not need the intense weight training men often do to tone their muscles. Simple exercises and adequate cardio are all you need to burn excess fat and tone your body with a weight loss routine for women.

Weight Loss disposition For Women - Producing Results

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