My Weight Loss Story

My Weight Loss Story Video Clips. Duration : 3.73 Mins.

Here it is guys! My weight loss video. If you have any questions just let me know & I will try to answer it as best I can. Thanks! Follow me!

Tags: weight, loss, diet, dieting, losing, working, out, calories, pounds, asian, korean, vlog, tattoos, funny, monolid, tokidoki, tattoo, workout, fitness, exercise, muscle, body, bodybuilding, health, training, lose, gym, muscles, personal

LOWAT Weight Loss Supplement

LOWAT Weight Loss Supplement Video Clips. Duration : 12.70 Mins. LOWAT is a new weight loss supplement that has been clinically shown to increase weight loss compared to placebo. This video was provided by iHealthTube

Tags: LOWAT, diet, weight loss, supplement

Weight Loss disposition For Women - Producing Results

As you may already know, men and women tend to lose weight and burn fat differently and therefore dissimilar workout routines and regiments are valuable for women to reach their fitness goals. Although some things remain the same like the right whole of cardio, there are many differences as well. Take a look at the weight loss routine for women below and use it within your existing fitness regime.

First, it is foremost to warm up your muscles and moderately increase your heart rate with moderate cardio. This includes walking or a brisk jog for 5-10minutes to begin your workout. From here you can begin your workout with any of the following muscle group toning exercises. The following is a rough sketch of a weight loss program for beginners:

Weight Loss Story

o Legs: the walking lunge is a great move that helps tone not only your thighs but your butt as well as your calves as well. Conduct 3 sets of 10 repetitions and increase as this exercise becomes easier over time.

o Legs/Butt: either with a barbell in your arms or utilizing your own body weight take an exercise ball and place it in the middle of a wall and the small of your back. This will keep your body balanced during the exercise. Accomplish the squat in 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

o Arms: here you can use free weights or machines at your gym if you are a member. Bicep curls and triceps extensions are base to sculpt and tone arms.

Cardio can be thought about as the best exercise to burn fat, at the end of your workout be sure to couple at least 20minutes of moderate cardio. This can be done on the treadmill, elliptical machine, bike or stepper of your choice. It is always best to mix up your routine to make things more interesting. always start and terminate with cardio but how you Accomplish your cardio never has to be the same.

Women do not need the intense weight training men often do to tone their muscles. Simple exercises and adequate cardio are all you need to burn excess fat and tone your body with a weight loss routine for women.

Weight Loss disposition For Women - Producing Results

Green Tea Weight Loss - a Proven Formula?

For centuries, the ancient Chinese physicians have known about the secrets of green tea weight loss.

There are many condition benefits to drinking tea. One of them of them is that it can help lose weight. Lots of weight loss supplements comprise tea extract. How does this beverage aid in slimming?

Weight Loss Story

Green Tea Versus Black Tea

All tea is made from the same plant, camellias selensis. Different kinds of tea are made with varying combinations of leaves and buds from this plant.

Black tea is fermented after picking. Green tea is dried but not cooked, leaving it unfermented. Many of the antioxidants found remain in higher concentrations when unfermented.

Underlying Mechanism

Polyphenol catechins are antioxidant tea compounds. These antioxidants by themselves provide great condition benefits, as they clean up free radicals that can otherwise damage our cells. When catechins bind with caffeine, the consequent is increased fat burning and fat oxidation.

Human Trials Results

Many studies have been conducted to look into the veracity of green tea weight loss claims. Often investigate starts with animals. With this tea, however, we are lucky to have many human studies to look at.

Tang center for Herbal healing Research, at the University of Chicago, has done investigate on catechins. Their results indicate that in subjects who took tea extract, levels of fat lipids, cholesterol and glucose were reduced.

Another study, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that subjects who drank a bottle of green tea fortified with passage lost more body fat over the course of three months than those who did not drink the tea.

Beverage Versus Supplements

There are several ways to get your cup of tea. Of course you can drink this considerable beverage. A few cups each day can provide not only condition benefits, but also a calming break from a hectic day.

If you don't manage to drink sufficient for greatest weight loss effects, you can try a pure green tea extract. These ordinarily come in the form of capsules or liquid. And there are many weight loss formulas out there that use tea passage as one of the ingredients.

How Much Is Enough?

Various studies have used differing amounts of tea. The combined wisdom of all of the human studies indicates that 3-4 cups of tea is the right amount to perform green tea weight loss. Combined with a wholesome eating and practice program, you'll find the results are stunning!

Green Tea Weight Loss - a Proven Formula?

Skipping A Meal To Lose Weight: The Truth Revealed!

Many citizen think that skipping a meal to lose weight is an efficient strategy to use. But the truth is that in most cases it will legitimately have the opposite effect, it can stop you from losing weight, make you hungrier, lead to binge eating, work on your mood and even work on your farranging health. So let's take a look at this more closely.

1. citizen often think they are cutting their calorie intake by skipping a meal but the question with that is you will end up getting hungrier than usual and more often than not, you will end up provocative more fat at the next meal anyway. Someone else question here is that your body will have cravings and this is a risky position to be in. This then becomes a time that you are more likely to binge on foods that are not good for you. This may lead to weight gain and failure on your weight loss program. In the long run this is legitimately self-sabotaging behavior. You are best to try to cut portion sizes all round or just stick to the kinds of foods that will help you lose weight.

Weight Loss Story

2. Skipping a meal to lose weight legitimately slows down your metabolism and that's the last thing you want to happen. Your body is very clever; it has a natural mechanism that alerts it when food sources are in scarce supply. The natural response is to put the body into starvation mode and protect its energy sources. This means the body will protect fat as well, because fat is a huge source of energy for the body when there is nothing left to draw from. To keep your metabolism pumping at a good pace, you legitimately need to eat food regularly. It does sound like a strange thing, but food fuels your metabolism. And eating the right types of foods can legitimately help to speed up your metabolism. Basically having a slow metabolism means your body will burn fat at a slower rate. While having a fast metabolism means you will be burning fat at a faster rate, that's exactly what you need for weight loss.

3. Skipping a meal to lose weight is definitely not good for your farranging mood. Many citizen come to be irritated, frustrated and short when their food source is in scarce supply. Your brain needs fuel to function as well and when it doesn't get adequate fuel it gets foggy and fatigued. This leads to your emotions becoming affected. Worse thing about this is you are ordinarily driving the citizen colse to you mad because you are short-tempered.

The moral of this story is that skipping a meal to lose weight will never work. And from the three reasons I have outlined above, I now hope you understand why. You need to eat the right kinds of food at regular intervals throughout the day to lose weight.

Skipping A Meal To Lose Weight: The Truth Revealed!

Green Tea Weight Loss Supplement

Most weight loss experts agree that weight loss supplements can significantly help you in your battle for curves and muscles. Of the 3 generally used supplements in the market these days, green tea supplement seems the most promising. The other two are protein and ephedra.

It has been discovered that some properties found in green tea makes it a great organic alternative to weight loss supplements.

Weight Loss Story

The use of this tea's extract in supplements was spurred by the recently closed study by American and Swiss scientists. The study found that green tea has a lot of antioxidants that can cause an increase in vigor expenditure of the body.

The supplement contain both caffeine and the chemical epigallocatechin gallate (Egcg). When these 2 substances react to each other, metabolism rates increase along with the body's 24-hour vigor expenditure. Green tea's Egcg also triggers the release of the hormone noradrenaline, an appetite-suppressant.

The supplement can boost the body's metabolic rates, thereby increasing the rate by which fat and calories are burned. It can also stimulate the body into burning fats faster, prominent to more fats being turned into energy. Agreeing to a study, habitancy who take in this supplement lose about two-and-a-half pounds a month.

These supplements come in standardized tablets or capsule forms. For best results, adopt a supplement that contains 90 milligrams of Egcg and 50 milligrams of caffeine. It is normally taken 3 times a day before meals.

Although green tea weight loss supplement has no harmful side-effects, you should consult your physician before taking it.

Green Tea Weight Loss Supplement