Things to Consider Before Lap Band Surgery Or Any Weight Loss Surgery

Lap band surgery is a weight loss procedure and is permanently life altering. If you really require this procedure, think carefully before heading on with it as there are many effects that come along with it that is vital to consider. To qualify for lap band surgery, your body mass index should exceed 35, once you are in this stage then do consider all the following things as they would affect your life a great deal.

  • Substance free. Besides a little red wine occasionally, you would not be able to consume any other alcoholic or drug like substance. Not only will it harm your body it can also reverse the procedure.
  • Minimal junk food. As the surgery will create a small pouch in your stomach, you wouldn't need to eat a lot before you start feeling full. Hence, you would need to get used to the smaller portions and curb cravings for junk food.
  • Exercise! Weight loss surgery can do many things for you, but you would need to maintain that figure and tone up by exercising. This would not only do your physique good, it will help you feel more energetic as well.
  • Complications. Do remember that this procedure is a surgical one, and like all other surgeries, they come with complications. Although they are correctable, they would be a hassle to go through.
  • Comfort. Under the skin, there will be a port for doctors to inject the saline into the band if it needs adjustments. This can become a comfort issue if it gets displaced. It may take some time to find the right comfort level.

Before heading on with lap band surgery, do take into consideration all that has been mentioned. Also, as a precaution talk to your doctor and do not hesitate to ask questions regarding this surgery.

For more information about lap band surgery complications and cost of lap band surgery, visit

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