Diet Pills Competition

We are scared reading the report that about one half population of the United States of America is overweight and / or obese.

So people have become crazy about diet pills. Because diet pills have established themselves as a good starter of one's weight loss program. A number of diet pills have arrived in the market and fighting for grabbing the share of the market.

In the mean time two of the popular diet pills have been withdrawn suspecting their link with possible heart disease. But sooner or later other similar medicines with lesser side effects got the approval of FDA and appeared.

So it is a tough situation for selection of a proper type of diet pills for weight reduction.

Among the weight loss drugs, Phentermine diet pills are most popular and accepted among the overweight people.

Generic Phentermine is sold in the market in various names manufactured by different Pharmaceutical Companies. The are Didrex, Adipex etc.

Also there are Xenical slimming pills whose generic name is Orlistat and also there is Reductile slimming pills whose generic name is Sibutramine.

Above all there is Meridia being produced by Knoll Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Meridia is also a sibutramine group of medicine. However, the drug is not for all.

Let us now discuss about effectiveness and side effects of the different drugs and conditions of their uses. This discussion will help one to take a decision on buying diet pills which will be most suitable for him / her.

The problem of overweight is an individual problem and the solution to it for one may not be suitable for other. Our discussion will give some guideline about the merits and demerits of a few weight loss pills.

Most popular in the market of diet pills is Phentermine. This medicine acts on one's brain resulting in suppression of appetite. As a result of Appetite suppression, food intake is reduced resulting in weight loss. So this drug is often called Appetite Suppresant.

As a starter for one's weight loss program this drug is very much effective and as such is popular in spite of its side effects like stomach upset, constipation, irritability etc. One should go to a prescription store to buy Phentermine. Effectiveness of generic cheap Phentermine or that of Phentermine on line are doubtful as they are generally of poor quality. One should not be encouraged to buy Phentermine without a doctor's prescription.

Xenical is a lipase inhibitor which stops a sizable amount of fat being absorbed by the body resulting in reduction in body weight. Side effect of this medicine is some time loose motion due to discharge of the unabsorbed fat of the body.

Reductile enhances the feeling of satisfaction which results in less intake of food causing body weight reduction. It is applicable only for the persons with Body Mass Index 30 or more.

The action of Meridia is similar to Reductile which also enhances the feeling of satisfaction resulting in lesser food intake. This ultimately reduces body weight. Some times blood pressure or heart rate may increase with use of this medicine.

There are so many weight loss drugs available. But a doctor is the best person to judge the suitability of a particular drug for a particular person.

Get more information on Phentermine Diet Pills. Slimtour provides information on free weight loss tips, weight loss programs and prescription diet pills for weight loss.

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